About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Goal 4: By 2023, all employees will feel that they belong and are included at Nesta, irrespective of their background.

Our starting point for change

Staff wellbeing and our 2030 Strategy – in emphasising multidisciplinary collaboration and risk-taking – rely on having an inclusive workplace. However our latest staff survey, undertaken in February 2020, revealed that not all staff feel Nesta has an inclusive culture. We aim to ensure that our workplace culture and practices help everyone in the organisation fulfil their potential and believe they belong.

How we will address this issue

To support our leadership teams in championing EDI, we will incorporate inclusive leadership into job descriptions, core competency frameworks, professional development programmes and peer accountability mechanisms.

A UK Research and Innovation review of workplace EDI initiatives shows that effective training and development programmes can help create a shared understanding of EDI across an organisation, and build the foundations for a more inclusive workplace. Necessarily, training will be supported by a continuous learning culture, as highlighted in Nesta’s 2030 Strategy.

Flexible working has been shown to increase talent attraction, satisfaction, wellbeing, productivity and retention – especially for those managing long-term health conditions and caring responsibilities who may otherwise struggle to feel included. Nesta will develop a flexible and remote working policy, and consider supporting a returner programme for parents restarting their careers to address the career break penalty many women face.

  • Resourced staff-organised networks can play a vital role in delivering workplace equality. Such networks offer peer-support for individuals from minoritised groups, and a safe space for individuals to come together, support one another, plan activities to raise awareness and canvas for their specific needs.

Measures of progress

  • Anonymous staff surveys
  • Leadership appraisal feedback
  • Reports of harassment and discrimination